Walk to Defeat ALS Greater San Diego

Patrick and Bella Devlin
Patrick and Bella Devlin

Team Devlin

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Check out our unofficial team theme song.

The picture above is of Patrick and Bella Devlin. While no longer with us, they're always in our hearts. Sadly, 4 of their 5 children battled ALS.    

We're at the beginning of our effort and we're a team of only two, but we hope to grow. San Diego is far but we hope someone will want to join us at the walk, but more importantly, we hope many join us in the spirit of what the team is about.  

Team Devlin is about Mom, Aunt Patsy, Uncle Charlie, and Uncle Jimmy. It's also a prayer to never again have to hear the words, you or someone you love, has ALS. We all want that for our family and for all families.   

We're walking to bring help and hope to those living with the disease.  

For those of you that remember the Ice Bucket Challenge, there's some hopeful news since then and, in part, because of that effort: The past two years have brought incredible advancements in ALS research and two drugs have been approved by the FDA. 

Please consider walking with us in San Diego or sponsoring us. With your help, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of people affected by this disease. 

Thank you! 

Pete and Jodell

P.S. Why San Diego? It's the closest walk to Camarillo, where we are currently hanging our hats. 

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