Walk to Defeat ALS Dallas

Participant Roster

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Participant Name Donate Now Team Name Donations
LEVEL 3 FUNDRAISER Helping Hand Robert Lemons

Donate Now

Susan Lemons


Helping Hand Jamie Brickler

Donate Now



Helping Hand Angela Hogan

Donate Now

Susan Lemons


Helping Hand Dawn Baucom

Donate Now

Team Judy


Julie Bell

Donate Now

Mountain Movers


Helping Hand Colleen O'Leary

Donate Now

Walk for Colleen


Helping Hand Leslie Peoples

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Helping Hand James O'Leary

Donate Now

Walk for Colleen


Helping Hand Debbie Nickell

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Helping Hand Scott Cook

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Helping Hand Katie Blakeley

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Helping Hand Jordan Morris

Donate Now

Team Lisha


Helping Hand Leslie Halencak

Donate Now



Helping Hand Judy Williams

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Helping Hand Sara Sterling

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Helping Hand Julia Stephens

Donate Now



Helping Hand Shelley Bender

Donate Now

Team Judy


Helping Hand Nicole Brown

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Team Brian


Helping Hand Bobby Morris

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Lydia's Warriors


Helping Hand Julie Alspaw

Donate Now


Helping Hand Kerri Finch

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Team Jaybird


Helping Hand Adrienne Copeland

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Helping Hand Kathryn Bridwell

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Kat's Krowd


Helping Hand Trinay Kamalesh

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Trinay's Trotting for a Cure


Helping Hand Gerry Dollinger

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Team Gerry


Jenny McKinney

Donate Now

Mountain Movers


Jazmin Smith

Donate Now


Denise Robnett

Donate Now

Cambridge Caregivers / Manchester Care Homes


Andrew Verity

Donate Now

Team Dee


Lindsey Verity

Donate Now

Team Dee


Kevin Lyons

Donate Now

Team Dee


Megan Lyons

Donate Now

Team Dee


Karen O'Hare

Donate Now

Team Dee


Kelly Smith

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Ronda Robinson

Donate Now

Remembering Ronald


Kathy Hatcher

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Ben Reynolds

Donate Now

Ben's pALS


Lindsey Fiegelman

Donate Now

Walking for Scott


Terrell Williams

Donate Now

Team Lisha


Timothy Chancellor

Donate Now

Team Lisha


Lee Halencak

Donate Now



Declan Halencak

Donate Now



Cohen Halencak

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Corban Halencak

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Haven Halencak

Donate Now



Carmin Harris

Donate Now

University of Texas Arlington


Grace Mabry

Donate Now

Gains for Garry


Holly Irving

Donate Now


Landon Boykin

Donate Now

RSM US Against ALS


Justin Foster

Donate Now

Team Scott


Brenda Baxter

Donate Now

Honoring Roger Hite


Jerrica Roy

Donate Now

Black Stars


Matthew Lemons

Donate Now

Susan Lemons


Catherine Moss

Donate Now

Susan Lemons


Erica Lemons

Donate Now

Susan Lemons


Bruce Franklin

Donate Now

Marching for Marcia and Jogging for Judy


Dani Morales

Donate Now

J's Crew


Sherry Walker

Donate Now

Hoben's Heroes


Christopher Wilson

Donate Now

Fit, Black and Educated, Inc.


Triya Kamalesh

Donate Now

Trinay's Trotting for a Cure


Krithika Jeer

Donate Now

Trinay's Trotting for a Cure


Venkatash Radhakrishnan

Donate Now

Trinay's Trotting for a Cure


Kimberly Reed

Donate Now

Team Lisha


Britney Simpson

Donate Now

Team Bobby


Amanda Wagner

Donate Now

Team Royce!


Jennifer Sloan

Donate Now

Kennedy Krew


Mary Martin

Donate Now


Justin Williams

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Susan Shores

Donate Now

Team Jaybird


Ronchelle Chaffin

Donate Now

Team Chico


Cheryl Reynolds

Donate Now

sparkplug supporters


Zac Mccullock

Donate Now

RREAF Holdings


Matthew Brickler

Donate Now



Benjamin Brickler

Donate Now



Eric Brickler

Donate Now



Katie Ussery

Donate Now

Hit the Road for Jack


Jesse Calvillo

Donate Now

Team Calvillo


Dana Bilbray

Donate Now

Remembering Ronald


Mike Walker

Donate Now



Adina Porter

Donate Now


Aiden Villarreal

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Ethan Villarreal

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Wilhema Lachterman

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Fernando Villarreal

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Michelle Weiner

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Sami Weiner

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Sara Weiner

Donate Now

Milton's Family


Hisae Koko

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Pam Long

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Kelsie Brothers

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Jan Beavers

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Keri Duthie

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Danni Williams

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Mark Hudspeth

Donate Now

Susie's All-In Against ALS


Kason Lowman

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Gavin Lowman

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Diana Webb

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Tiffany Lowman

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Donna Spencer

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Dillan Williams

Donate Now

Tiff's Team


Thank You to Our National Sponsors

Our Local Presenting Sponsor

Our Local Sponsors