You can be the key
To unlock ALS

Find Your Walk

You can be the key
To unlock ALS

Find Your Walk

You can be the key
To unlock ALS

Find Your Walk

The Walk to Defeat ALS is the #1 way to unite and fundraise for those living with ALS. Each year, fundraising through the Walk drives bold and urgent innovation as we march together toward a cure for ALS.

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Our walkers lead the movement

Grace Flaherty

I always walk for my Gramma...

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Sherry Griswold

I walk because I can...

Even though in a wheelchair, Sherry participates with her team.

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Kelly Murrie

I walk because it's what she would do ...

...not for herself but for every other person with ALS and family.

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Rob Robertson

I Walk because veterans are twice as likely to develop ALS...

Rob leads the fight against ALS.

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Thank You to Our National Sponsors