Help us raise $100,000 to help people with Parkinson's live well today!
Once you are registered, visit your participant center to:
1. Update your personal fundraising page
- Once in your participant center, click the Personal Page tab
- Create a short url to include in emails and social media
- Click URL settings
- Enter your name or nickname in the text box field and save
- Change the page title to include your name
- Try something like: “Welcome to Peachy’s Fundraising Page” and click save
- Change the default text to a better explanation of why you’re riding and fundraising, then click save
- Update your photo with a picture of yourself
- On the right side of the personal page tab, click “Photos/Video”
- Choose a file, click save/upload
2. Send emails
- Upload your contact list
- Customize the email template to send (Send more than one email. Statistics show that the first email you send will result in 25% of your goal. The second email update will result in 75% of your goal!)
3. Track emails, donations, and send thank yous
Do you have a great idea or want to brainstorm fundraising ideas? Contact us to help you reach your goals!