2024 Winship 5K Run/Walk

"The Rolling Walkers" EUHM Rehab Team

Welcome to our team page! 

We are representing the EUHM Rehab department by walking, running, or wheeling in honor of our Team Captain's Grandmother.  Mrs. Peggie Truelove Hayes, "Mama Peggie", was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away on January 29th, 1995.

 From here, you can help support Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University as we participate in the Winship 5K Run/Walk/Roll  in honor of our loved ones, friends, and peers who have been impacted by various cancers.

Winship Cancer Institute holds a special place in our hearts. Serving more than 17,000 patients each year, Winship helps cancer patients throughout Georgia, the Southeast, and beyond by working to prevent, treat, and cure cancer. This is where science becomes hope. Your support is essential to fuel breakthrough research that leads to new and better treatments for cancer. Every step you take will help bring us one step closer to a cure. With your contribution today, we can make real progress to help save and improve the lives of those affected by cancer.

Will you help us make a difference with a donation of any amount? Our team goal is $2,500.
Thank you for supporting Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

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Team Achievements
Raised $5k for the 5K
5 Team Members
Raised $5k for the 5K
10 Team Members
Raised $5k for the 5K
20 Team Members
Raised $5k for the 5K
50 Team Members
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