Thursday, September 24, 2020
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Unwind After Work: Virtual Yoga Class with Kate Krems, LAW JD '19



Event Description

Kate Krems Yoga Class

It can be really difficult to switch gears, especially when working from home. It's important during this time that you're remembering to shut down your workday and find some time to unwind after work. Join us for a virtual yoga class, led by Kate Krems, LAW JD '19, designed to help you relax and relieve some of your stress. So close your email, silence your cell phone, quiet down all that mind chatter and grab your mat for a relaxing evening of breathing, stretching, and strength building! 

Kate has been teaching yoga for nearly ten years for students of all ages and abilities, including in elementary school classrooms, government office buildings, and various DC-area studios. She currently teaches at Unity Woods Yoga Center. She is a practicing attorney, mother of two, and graduate of GW Law.

System Requirements

This event will take place via Zoom. Registration for this event has officially closed. Please join us using the class HERE. meeting link below:

Online registration for this event has now closed.