Tuesday, April 27, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Adjusting to the New Phase: Mental Health & COVID-19 - a Discussion with Melissa Doman, CCAS BA'07 


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Event Time

1:00 pm ET 
6:00 | 18:00 GMT+1


Event Description 

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On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. Quarantine, self  isolation,confinement, lock down, and curfew, all gained new meaning as much of the world shut down for what we all thought would be a few weeks. A year later, we have a flicker of hope as vaccines are rolled out around the world, but what happens next? As we begin the process of adjusting to life after quarantine we must also recognize that the pandemic has triggered an array of emotional issues we must now contend with.

Join the UK Alumni Network for a fireside chat with organizational psychologist, Melissa Doman CCAS BA'07 as we discuss adjusting to life after the pandemic.

Following years of clinical work as a licensed mental health therapist in employee-assistance program, private practice, and university settings - Melissa left the clinical sector and turned her focus to consulting and speaking in the worlds of organizational psychology and mental health awareness at work with one goal in mind: to equip companies, individuals, and leaders to have constructive conversations about mental health in the workplace.

Melissa has spoken, presented, and consulted for international, national, and local organizations and Fortune 500 companies across industries and across the globe – including clients like Salesforce, Charlotte Tilbury, the NHS, and Legal & General. Melissa has been featured as a subject matter expert in international & national conferences, global summits, digital publications and media outlets, international mentoring programs, and local television shows.

Melissa also has a book coming out in October 2021 about changing perceptions of mental health & mental illness, with a practical guide on why & how to have constructive conversations about mental health at work.

Melissa uses her former clinical experience and current organizational psychology work to inform her practical and solution-focused approach that she uses with clients in her work. Her main goal is to equip them to build the skillset, mindset, and behaviors required to discuss mental health, mental illness, and stress at work. Having lived on 4 continents and travelled to more than 45 countries, Melissa calls upon her experiences working with professionals from around the world in her work, and is a prominent thought leader in the United Kingdom, United States, and Europe.

Melissa has impacted thousands of people through her work and is determined to bring the topic of mental health at work to the forefront of everyone's minds in business around the world.

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