Tell Your Representatives to Support a Revenue Solution to the Budget Crisis to Prevent Mental Health Cuts

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Oppose a 2.25% Medicaid Rate Cut

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Oppose a proposed 2.25% Medicaid Rate Cut that would devastate an already frail mental health safety net.

Support the Custody Relinquishment Prevention Act!

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The Custody Relinquishment Prevent Act requires all relevant state agencies to intercept families on the verge of custody relinquishment if there is no evidence of abuse or neglect.The Act will prevent custody relinquishment when there is no abuse or negl

Urge the Governor and the General Assembly to work together to come for a Budget Solution by July 1!

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Call Governor Rauner and Urge Him to Work with the General Assembly to Come to a Responsible Budget Agreement that Includes Adequate Revenue Before the Start of the New Fiscal Year on July 1st!
