Chicagoland Habitat for Humanity
  • In Illinois, one in seven households spend more than half of their income on housing.
  • 330,000 individuals in the Chicago are severely burdened by housing costs, live in inadequate housing, or both.
  • Housing costs account for more than half the monthly gross income for 24% of working households in our region.

Housing is More than Just a Roof Over Somebody’s Head

  • Decent affordable housing provides stability for families and children.
  • Owning a home provides a family with a sense of dignity and pride.
  • Homeowners enjoy better health, physical safety, and security.
  • Families in homes tend to have increased educational and job prospects.

Good Housing Contributes Greatly to Thriving Communities

  • Housing is a catalyst for civic involvement and a stimulus for community-based organizations.
  • Safe homes and neighborhoods help to build social stability and security.

Housing in the Chicagoland Area Must be a Priority

  • The percentage of people in the Chicagoland area without access to decent, affordable housing is on the rise.
  • Increasing and rehabbing the housing supply across Chicagoland is essential.